SQLiteManager on cloud

    What is SQLite? SQLiteManager is a database manager for SQLite databases. You can manage any SQLite database created on any platform with SQLiteManager. SQLite is an in-process library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. It is a database, which is zero-configured, which means like other databases you do not

WebMail Lite on cloud

    WebMail Lite Open-source webmail script for your existing IMAP server. WebMail Lite can be used to access mail on virtually any IMAP enabled mail server. The integrated web administration panel allows you to manage the system settings without manual editing config files. Sign In Login Contacts Coming Settings WebMail Lite is released under the

XMS on cloud

    XMS is Easy, almost everything on the web is xml, isn’t it? This opens new ways of using data, I mean everything on the internet can be considered a data source, and there are plenty of them. XMS is an online visual web development environment and framework, providing a web application base, with

MyWebSQL on cloud

    MyWebSQL is the ultimate desktop replacement for managing your MySQL databases over the web. With interface that works just like your favourite desktop applications, you don’t need to keep switching over webpages to get simple things done. Log in  Database server info Repair tables Create Database Process manager Just login to your database

Agora-Project on cloud

    Agora-Project Create your own private space to share with your team : files & pictures, personal calendars & resource calendars, News Tasks & Gantt, forums, instant messaging, etc. Login Email Details Calendar Details Agora-Project is released under the GNU / GPL version 2 Major Features of Agora-project File Sharing Calendars Forum Contacts Bookmarks Shared

phpList on cloud

      phpList is an open-source newsletter manager. phplist is free to download, install and use, and is easy to integrate with any website. phplist is downloaded more than 10 000 times per month. LogIn Dashboard Settings Plugins Subscriber Major Features of phpList double opt-in subscription mechanism scheduling RSS list segmentation click-tracking attachments bounce

phpMyAdmin on Cloud

    phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the World Wide Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations with MySQL. The most frequently used operations are supported by the user interface (managing databases, tables, fields, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc), while you still

XCloner on cloud

    XCloner is a professional website Backup and Restore application designed to allow you to create safe complete backups of any PHP/Mysql website and to be able to restore them anywhere. It works as a native Joomla backup component, as a native WordPress backup plugin and also as standalone PHP/Mysql backup application. XCloner is

SVNManager on cloud

    Apache Subversion which is often abbreviated as SVN, is a software versioning and revision control system distributed under an open source license. Subversion was created by CollabNet Inc. in 2000, but now it is developed as a project of the Apache Software Foundation, and as such is part of a rich community of

Roundcube on Cloud

    Roundcube – Free webmail for the masses. Roundcube webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client with an application-like user interface. It provides full functionality you expect from an e-mail client, including MIME support, address book, folder manipulation, message searching and spell checking. Roundcube is owned by Roundcube (https://roundcube.net/) and they own all related

Commentics on cloud

    Commentics is a free, advanced PHP comment script with many features. Professionally written and with open source code, its main aims are to be integrable, customizable and secure.     Commentics is released under the GPL.   Major Features of Commentics Why use it? Fresh and relevant content not only helps in retaining visitors

u-Auctions on cloud

    u-Auctions is an open-source auction script written in the popular language PHP which is a massive collection of inbuilt features u-Auctions is the prefect chose for setting up any auction site in minutes.   Home   Location Display Setting Auction Setting General u-Auctions has an easy to use administration panel and a user

Word Search Puzzle on cloud

    Word Search Puzzle game features a completely customizable template, easy integration into a current application, custom dictionaries, an easy to edit file with custom settings, puzzle length and width customization, automatic complexity settings, easy coloring and word selecting with a checker, and more. Word Search Puzzle is released under the GNU/GPL license. Word

Multiplayer Checkers on cloud

    Multiplayer Checkers lets your visitors challenge each other, play checkers and chat with this AJAX-enabled script. Multiplayer Checkers License allows redistribution of Exact Copies of its softwares. No Info  

Shadows Rising on cloud

    Shadows Rising is a browser based RPG written in PHP, Javascript, and XHTML. MySQL/PostgreSQL supported. The core engine will allow users create unique RPGs by adding new items, classes, terrain maps to Game Modules. Account Login Shadows Rising is released under the Affero GPL license. e core engine will allow users create unique

SIDU on cloud

    SIDU stands for SQL Select Insert Delete Update. SIDU is a FREE database client working via web browser. SIDU is a simple, intuitive and easy database admin tool. SIDU works via web browsers such as Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari, Chrome, etc. SIDU connections Query SIDU 3Database Query running My sql+Pstgres+Sqlite SIDU looks like

BlackNova Traders on cloud

    BlackNova Traders is a web-based, multi-player space exploration game inspired by the popular BBS game of TradeWars. It is coded using PHP, SQL, and Javascript. Login BlackNova Traders is released under the GNU/GPL license. Web-based, multi-player space exploration game inspired by the popular BBS game of TradeWars Installing Black Nova Traders with Softaculous

AJAX Chat on cloud

    AJAX Chat is a free and fully customizable open source web chat implemented in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL which integrates nicely with common forum systems like phpBB, MyBB, PunBB, SMF and vBulletin. Login Chat Chat-Select Language Chat Chat Bluimp’s AJAX Chat is released under a Modified MIT License Major Features of Ajax Chat

DIY on cloud

    DIY is an open-source lightweight web application framework based on object-oriented PHP 5, MySQL, and XSLT. It is fully object-oriented and designed following the MVC architecture and REST design principles. The idea behind it is not to reinvent the wheel but instead to combine existing and proven technologies in a convenient and effective

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Piwik on Cloud

    Piwik is a downloadable, open source (GPL licensed) web analytics software program. It provides you with detailed real time reports on your website visitors: the search engines and keywords they used, the language they speak, your popular pages and so much more. Piwik aims to be an open source alternative to Google Analytics. Piwik

WideImage on cloud

    WideImage is an object-oriented library for image manipulation, written in/for PHP 5. It’s a pure-PHP library and doesn’t require any external libraries apart from the GD2 extension. Most of the code is unit tested with Simpletest, and also being actively used on a few projects with no serious problems reported since first public release

phpDocumentor on cloud

    PhpDocumentor, is an influential tool that permits to effortlessly document code through especially formatted comments. The documentation will be available not only in the source code, but also in professional documentation extracted using either the web or command-line interface. The result can be in various formats such as HTML, PDF, and CHM. Additionally,

Webasyst on cloud

    Webasyst is a free PHP framework for creating sleek multi-user web apps and for building websites. Webasyst offers a multi-app UI ready for integrating and designing your app, handles user authorization, access rights management, routing setup, and much more. Great for creating web solutions for businesses and teams. Login Home All Contacts My

Open Conference Systems (OCS) on cloud

    Open Conference Systems (OCS) is a free Web publishing tool that will create a complete Web presence for your scholarly conference. Open Conference Systems (OCS) is an open source solution to managing and publishing scholarly conferences online. OCS is a highly flexible management and publishing system that can be downloaded for free and

UIkit on cloud

    UIkit is modern CSS framework. It is lightweight and modular framework for developing fast and powerful web applications. It is very simple to use the UIkit, You can easily customize and extend the features. A UI kit is a set of files that contains critical UI components like fonts, layered design files, icons,

Impleo on Cloud

    Impleo is a simple PHP-script for managing your record collection. It’s possible to add, edit and delete records. Each record contains the name of the artist, title of the record and year of release. In addition to this, it’s possible to add any kind of detail of your own choise. E.g.: Format (CD,

LuxCal on cloud

    LuxCal is an innovative web based event calendar for home use and small businesses. It is easy to setup and allows easy and fast management of your calendar events at home, in the office, on business trips or when on holiday. LuxCal is feature rich, has been designed for user-friendliness and will help

PRADO on cloud

    PRADO is a component-based and event-driven programming framework for developing Web applications in PHP 5. PRADO stands for PHP Rapid Application Development Object-oriented.   Major Features of PRADO Object-oriented and highly reusable code Event-driven programming Separation of presentation and logic Configurable and pluggable modular architecture Full spectrum of database support Feature-rich Web components:

AmpJuke on cloud

    AmpJuke will act as your streaming server. Besides music streaming AmpJuke can fetch album covers/images/lyrics automatically using various webservices from last.fm, Bing! and other sources.  Login Home page Search Settings Scan+import tags from as many tracks you like, use the favorites as well as a bunch of other personal settings to customize the

phpicalendar on cloud

    phpicalendar is an open source php application to parse and display shared icalendar-compatible calendars on a website. Login PHP iCalendar Administration Login Add or Update a Calendar Major Features Of  phpicalendar * View calendars by day, week, month, or year as a graphical output or a list * View different calendars (including remote