WebMail Lite on cloud

1-click AWS Deployment    1-click Azure Deployment


WebMail Lite Open-source webmail script for your existing IMAP server.

WebMail Lite can be used to access mail on virtually any IMAP enabled mail server.

The integrated web administration panel allows you to manage the system settings without manual editing config files.

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WebMail Lite is released under the GNU Affero General Public License.


Major Features of WebMail Lite


  • Multiple domains
  • Mail folders and nested folders
  • Address Book (Contacts and Groups)
  • Mail filters, via Sieve
  • Auto-responder, via Sieve
  • Forwarding, via Sieve
  • Plugins (change password, etc)
  • Mail Search
  • IMAP synchronization
  • IMAP quotas
  • IMAP search
  • Managing IMAP folders
  • Delivery confirmation


  • Message preview pane
  • Auto-complete of e-mail addresses
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • ISpell-check
  • Compose e-mails in HTML (WYSIWYG) or plain-text modes
  • Built-in and user-defined skins
  • Web administration panel (manage system settings and domains)


  • Supports SSL connections with mail servers
  • Can block javascript and external images in e-mails


  • Supports SMTP/IMAP/POP3 protocols
  • MySQL, MS SQL or MS Access database backend
  • Supports AJAX in all modern browsers: IE6+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera
  • International charsets, including UTF-8
  • Accurate e-mail parser and viewer


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WebMail Lite on cloud

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