Open Journal Systems (OJS) on cloud

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Open Journal Systems (OJS) is an open source solution to managing and publishing scholarly journals online. It is a highly flexible editor-operated journal management and publishing system that can be downloaded for free and installed on a local web server. It has been designed to reduce the time and energy devoted to the clerical and managerial tasks associated with editing a journal, while improving the record-keeping and efficiency of editorial processes. It seeks to improve the scholarly and public quality of journal publishing through a number of innovations, from making journal policies more transparent to improving indexing.

System Overview

By default, Open Journal Systems is installed with a very simple, functional user interface. This includes a top header, a top navigation bar, a series of navigation blocks to the right, and a main content block in the middle of the page.

The following image is a screenshot of an OJS Demonstration Journal Table of Contents:

The next image shows the HTML version of an article from the table of contents, including the Reading Tools in the right column. PDF documents can also be made available

The OJS interface can be extensively customized by uploading new stylesheets at the site, journal, and article level, and by various other journal-specific customizations. For the advanced user, the underlying template system can also be modified. As open source software, you are free to customize OJS as you wish.

-Open Journal Systems (OJS) is a journal management and publishing system that has been developed by the Public Knowledge Project through its federally funded efforts to expand and improve access to research.

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OJS assists with every stage of the refereed publishing process, from submissions through to online publication and indexing. Through its management systems, its finely grained indexing of research, and the context it provides for research, OJS seeks to improve both the scholarly and public quality of refereed research.

Open Journal Systems (OJS) is released under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.


OJS Features

  1. OJS is installed locally and controlled locally
  2. Editors configure requirements, sections, review process, etc.
  3. Online submission, double-blind review, and management of all content
  4. Comprehensive indexing of content
  5. Responsive, themable reader interface
  6. Email notification for readers
  7. Support for article-processing charges, subscriptions, and online payments
  8. Complete context-sensitive online Help support
  9. Multilingual support

OJS includes the following features:

  1. Actively being developed through collaboration
  2. Provides world class standardization
  3. Plugin architecture and framework
  4. Cost effective publishing solution
  5. Editors configure requirements, sections, review process, etc.
  6. Online submission, single/double-blind review, and management of all content
  7. Subscription module with delayed open access and non-open access options
  8. Payments module for accepting journal fees, donations, etc.
  9. Optimized for search engine discovery (Google, etc.) and Comprehensive indexing of content
  10. Email notification and commenting ability for readers
  11. Complete context-sensitive online Help support
  12. Export tools for exporting content to other systems (CrossRef, DOAJ, etc.)
  13. Google Analytics plugin for monitoring site traffic
  14. Multilingual support
  15. Responsive, themable reader interface

-The Major Features Of Open Journal Systems (OJS)

  • OJS is installed locally and locally controlled.
  • Editors configure requirements, sections, review process, etc.
  • Online submission and management of all content.
  • Subscription module with delayed open access options.
  • Comprehensive indexing of content part of global system.
  • Reading Tools for content, based on field and editors’ choice.
  • Email notification and commenting ability for readers.
  • Complete context-sensitive online Help support.



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Open Journal Systems (OJS) on cloud

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