AJAX Chat is a free and fully customizable open source web chat implemented in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL which integrates nicely with common forum systems like phpBB, MyBB, PunBB, SMF and vBulletin.
Optional visual update information (changing window title)
Clickable Hyperlinks
Splitting of long words to preserve chat layout
Flood control
Possibility to delete messages inside the chat
IRC style commands
Easy interface to add custom commands
Possibility to define opening hours for the chat
Possibility to enable/disable guest users
Persistent client-side settings
Multiple languages (auto-detection of ACCEPT_LANGUAGE browser setting)
Multiple styles with easy layout customization through stylesheets (CSS) and templates
Automatic adjustment of displayed time to local client timezone
Standards compliance (XHTML 1.0 strict)
Accepts any text input, including code and special characters
Multiline input field with the possibility to enter line breaks
Message length counter
Realtime monitoring and logs viewer
Support for unicode (UTF-8) and non-unicode content types
Bandwidth saving update calls (only updated data is sent)
Optional support to push updates over a Flash based socket connection (increased performance and responsiveness)
Survives connection timeouts
Easy integration into existing authentication systems
Sample phpBB2, phpBB3, MyBB, PunBB, SMF and vBulletin integrations provided
Separation of layout and code
Well commented Source Code
Developed with Security as integral part – built to prevent Code injections, SQL injections, Cross-site scripting (XSS), Session stealing and other attacks
Tested successfully with Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari and Konqueror – built to work with all modern browsers