Squid Cache on Cloud

Getting Started

Step 1: Connect to the instance via SSH

Step 2: The Squid configuration file is found at /etc/squid/squid.conf. Open using your favorite editor

Step 3: Navigate to find the http_port option. Typically, this is set to listen on Port 3218. This port usually carries TCP traffic.

If you would like to set another port, change it here:

http port 3128 selected

As per requirement you may also set the proxy mode to transparent if to prevent Squid from modifying your requests and responses.

Change it as follows:

http_port 3128 transparent

Navigate to the http_acacess deny all option.

It is currently configured to block all HTTP traffic, and no web traffic is allowed as shown below.

http deny all traffic

Change this to the following:

http_access allow all

Restart the Squid service by entering:

sudo systemctl restart squid

Step 4: Configure Squid Client

To configure the client server switch to your client machine and open your web browser.

If using Firefox, you can find the proxy settings under:

Menu > Options > Network Settings > Settings

Select the radio button for Manual proxy configuration.

configure proxy access to the internet with manual proxy selected


Use the IP address for the system hosting your Squid proxy.

Step 5. Create an Access Control List (ACL)

For connections outside the proxy server’s local network, you need to configure the Access Control Lists (ACL). Add to your list of safe ports with a new ACL entry.

Note: After each of the configuration steps, you should save and exit, then restart the Squid service to apply the new configuration.

Step 6. You will need to open ports configured in Squid on OS level firewall as well as on Cloud Firewall.

Example for OS level firewall:

sudo firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port 3128/tcp

sudo firewall-cmd –reload

Step 6: Check the status for any errors: sudo systemctl status squid

Check squid version using: squid -v

For detailed documentation refer http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/

Squid Cache on Cloud