All posts tagged: MVC

Kooboo CMS on cloud

      Kooboo CMS  is a new kind of web development. It saves you hours and make your website in a better way. It contains many things you need to do web development. It contains a builtin webserver, an email server, template engine, dynamic Database and JavaScript executor.  Kooboo is a flexible and extensible CMS based on ASP.NET MVC. Kooboo helps you

YiiFramework on cloud

    Yii framework is an open-source component-based framework best suited for the web application and is great for rapidly developing modern web applications. Yii is built around the Model-View-Controller composite pattern that is easier to use. Yii provides secure and professional features to build robust projects faster. Yii Framework is very helpful and easy

pH7CMS on cloud

    pH7CMS is a Professional Social CMS to build an Online Dating Services or Social Network Websites. The software is completely written in OOP (Object-Oriented PHP) with the MVC programming pattern (Model-View-Controller). It is designed with the KISS principle in mind and the all source code can be read and understood in minutes. For