TayzGrid on cloud

1-click AWS Deployment 1-click Azure Deployment


What Is TayzGrid?
TayzGrid is an elastic In-Memory Data Grid with a peer to peer dynamic clustering architecturethat makes sharing and managing data in a cluster as simple as on a single server. It accomplishesthis by coordinating updates to the data using cluster-wide concurrency control, and replicatingand distributing data modifications across the cluster using the highest performing clusteredprotocol available. The primary purpose of TayzGrid is to help improve performance of Java/J2EE& JSP applications that would otherwise make expensive trips to database systems, web services,mainframes, or other systems across the network.

TayzGrid comes with powerful GUI based tools (TayzGrid Manager and TayzGrid Monitor) that let you easily manage and monitor of In-Memory Data Grid clusters and even remote clients. Additionally, TayzGrid provides you command line tools to let you automate your routine administration tasks through scripting.

TayzGrid Monitor

TayzGrid Monitor is a monitoring tool with a powerful and flexible dashboard style GUI for monitoring performance and other aspects of In-Memory Data Grid clusters and remote clients. And, you can run TayzGrid Monitor from a single central location and monitor everything remotely.

TayzGrid Manager

TayzGrid Manager lets you create and administer In-Memory Data Grid clusters from a single location remotely. TayzGrid Manager has an explorer style GUI that lets you to perform pretty much all the administration tasks seamlessly.

Installation Overview
This section provides you information about installing TayzGrid in UNIX and Windowsenvironments. It describes various Installation Modes and Installation Packages that you canadopt according to your ease and need. It provides the system and software requirements, alongwith information about the administrative privileges you need in order to install TayzGrid.
What to Install during Evaluation?
Regardless of which TayzGrid edition you ultimately end up using, we recommend you to do yourevaluation with
TayzGrid Enterprise Edition
. TayzGrid Enterprise Edition includes the full set offeatures provided by TayzGrid. This lets you decide whether to stay with TayzGrid Enterprise ordowngrade to TayzGrid Professional, based on your needs.
TayzGrid Configuration
            TayzGrid Hibernate Sample Program Version 1.0			

This sample program demonstrates the usage of TayzGrid with Hibernate framework.

For Linux  : $TG_HOME refers to installation path where TayzGrid is 

For Windows: %TG_HOME% refers to the installation path where TayzGrid is 

This sample program requires     

    - TG_HOME environment variable must be set. TG_HOME refers to installation 
      path where TayzGrid is installed. 

      To set TG_HOME For Linux: 

        - Open shell.
		- Type "export TG_HOME=/opt/tayzgrid" without quotes and press ENTER key. 
          Replace /opt/tayzgrid with the actual installation path if you have 
          installed TayzGrid on non-default location. 

      To set TG_HOME For Windows: 
        - Open Command Prompt.
        - type 'set TG_HOME="C:\Program Files\TayzGrid\"' without quotes 
          and press enter. 

    - jdk1.6 or higher
    - Netbeans v6 or later if you are using NetBeans to build and 
      run the project.

However any other preferred method can used to compile the source 
located at $TG_HOME/samples/hibernate/src/

Application Configuration
By default this sample application use 'mypartitionedcache' to store the session data. 

So make sure that:

	- cache 'mypartitionedcache' exist in the 'client.conf' located at
	  '$TG_HOME/config/' with correct server ip address and this 
	  cache should be started.

	- Include all the libraries located at :

	- HibernateSample named database should exist in MySQL. Use Sql Scripts located
      at '$TG_HOME/samples/hibernate/mysql-scripts' to create hibernatesample database
      in Linux and Windows.

Build Application

To Compile and run via NetBeans:

	- Open the project at the following location '$TG_HOME/samples/hibernate'
      in the NetBeans environment. 
	- Make sure that project references all the libraries located at 
     '$TG_HOME/lib' and '$TG_HOME/lib/resources/'
	- Make sure the project references hibernate framework libraries.
	- Add the ‘log4j.Properties’ file as described in the Application Configuration 
      section in the default source package of the project.
	- Define correct property of hibernate.connection.url in hibernate.cfg.xml.
	- Provide correct information in properties of hibernate.connection.username and hibernate.connection.password.
	- Copy TayzGridHibernate.xml located at '$TG_HOME/samples/hibernate' to '$TG_HOME/config'
	- Build the project, it will generate hibernate.jar in '$TG_HOME/samples/hibernate/dist'
To Compile and run via Ant:

	- Make sure $ANT_HOME environment path variable is set.
    - Start shell (terminal/cmd)
    - Change directory to $TG_HOME/samples/hibernate
	- Modify build.xml file located at $TG_HOME/samples/hibernate/ as follows:
		- Change value of "nbpath" property to the path where hibernate framework libraries exist.

	- Goto $TG_HOME/samples/hibernate/$ in shell(linux) / dos(windows).

	- Run ant

	- This will compile hibernate src and will place hibernate.jar in $TG_HOME/samples/hibernate/dist.
      TayzGrid Bulk Operations Sample Program Version 1.0     

This sample program demonstrates the usage of Bulk operations APIs.

For Linux  : $TG_HOME refers to installation path where TayzGrid is 

For Windows: %TG_HOME% refers to the installation path where TayzGrid is 

This sample program requires     

    - TG_HOME environment variable must be set. TG_HOME refers to installation 
      path where TayzGrid is installed. 

      To set TG_HOME For Linux: 

        - Open shell.
		- Type "export TG_HOME=/opt/tayzgrid" without quotes and press ENTER key. 
          Replace /opt/tayzgrid with the actual installation path if you have 
          installed TayzGrid on non-default location. 

      To set TG_HOME For Windows: 
        - Open Command Prompt.
        - type 'set TG_HOME="C:\Program Files\TayzGrid\"' without quotes 
          and press enter. 

    - jdk1.6 or higher
    - Netbeans v6 or later if you are using NetBeans to build and 
      run the project.

However any other preffered method can TayzGrid to compile the source 
located at $TG_HOME/samples/bulkoperations/src/

This sample program TayzGrids local cache "mypartitionedcache" for operations. 

Local cache "mypartitionedcache" can be started via:

    - startcache tool.
     - startcache tool located at $TG_HOME/bin/startcache.sh (linux)
     - startcache tool located at %TG_HOME%/bin/tools/startcache.bat (windows)


    - TayzGrid Manager currently shipped only for Windows.

Make sure JAVA_HOME environment path variable is set. 

To Compile and Run via NetBeans:

    - Open Netbeans IDE.
    - Select File->Open Project
    - Locate $TG_HOME/samples/bulkoperations
    - Add all .jar files to project libraries located at:
           - $TG_HOME/lib
           - $TG_HOME/lib/resources
    - Choose Run -> Clean and Build Project (Shift-F11) 
    - Press F6 to run the Project and observe output in NetBeans Output window.

To Compile and Run via Ant:

    - Make sure $ANT_HOME environment path variable is set.
    - Start shell (terminal/cmd)
    - Change directory to $TG_HOME/samples/bulkoperations
    - Type 'ant' (without quotes)
    - This will compile the source and will place bulkoperations.jar 
       at $TG_HOME/samples/bulkoperations/dist/
    - Change directory to $TG_HOME/samples/bulkoperations/dist/
    - TayzGrid 'java -jar bulkoperations.jar' without quotes to run the program.


TayzGrid on cloud for AWS



Major Features of TayzGrid

  • Performance and Scalability: Performance is defined as how fast cache operations are performed at a normal transaction load. Scalability is defined as how fast the same cache operations are performed under higher and higher transaction loads. TayzGrid is extremely fast and scalable.
  • Data Grid Topologies: Data Grid Topologies determine data storage and client connection strategy. There are different topologies for different type of uses.
  • WAN Replication through Bridge Topology: WAN replication is an important feature for many applications are deployed in multiple data centers either for disaster recovery purpose or for load balancing of regional traffic.
  • Security & Encryption: Many applications deal with sensitive data or are mission critical and cannot allow the cache to be open to everybody. Therefore, a good In-Memory Data Grid provides restricted access based on authentication and authorization to classify people in different groups of users. And, it should also allow data to be encrypted inside the client application process before it travels to the data grid.
  • Cache CRUD operations
  • Bulk CRUD operations
  • Lock/Unlock cached items
  • Item level event notifications
  • Map/Reduce
  • JCache API
  • Evictions
  • Absolute and sliding expirations
  • Java Web Session Persistence Provider
  • Replicated Cache and Partitioned Cache topologies
  • Memcached Protocol Server (plug-in without any code change)
  • Memcached Wrapper for Java (faster Memcached integration)
  • Hibernate Second Level Cache provider
  • Runs in Microsoft Azure, Amazon, and any other Cloud platfor



Installation Instructions For Windows

Note: How to find PublicDNS in AWS

Step 1) RDP  Connection: To connect to the deployed instance, Please follow Instructions to Connect to Windows  instance on AWS Cloud

1) Connect to the virtual machine using following RDP credentials:

  • Hostname: PublicDNS  / IP of machine
  • Port : 3389

Username: To connect to the operating system, use RDP and the username is Administrator.
Password: Please Click here to know how to get password .

Step 2) Click the Windows “Start” button and select “All Programs” and then point to TayzGrid

Step 3) Other Information:

1.Default installation path: will be in your root folder “C:\Program Files\TayzGrid”
2.Default ports:

  • Windows Machines:  RDP Port – 3389
  • Http: 80
  • Https: 443

Configure custom inbound and outbound rules using this link

Installation Step by Step Screenshots


































TayzGrid on cloud